Types of Insurance That Can Include Asbestos Coverage

Asbestos removal contractors discussing paperwork.

Asbestos, once a common building material, is now known for its serious health risks. Asbestos removal contractors in particular tend to be aware of these risks more than anyone, with specialised insurance coverage a necessary component of their work. In this article, our commercial insurance experts are taking a look at the various types of cover that can include asbestos insurance coverage within their policies.

Public Liability Insurance

Public liability insurance is an essential consideration for any business interacting with the public, and that’s especially true for asbestos removal contractors.

This insurance protects you if a member of the public suffers injury or property damage due to your business activities. Incorporating asbestos insurance coverage into your public liability policy can therefore help you remain protected against claims arising from any asbestos-related incidents. Given the hazardous nature of asbestos, this can save a business from significant financial strain.

Employers’ Liability Insurance

Employers’ liability insurance is a legal requirement for any business with employees. This covers the business in the event an employee is injured or becomes ill due to their work.

For asbestos contractor businesses, it can be essential to include asbestos exclusion insurance within this policy to address the specific risks that contractors will face. This tailored coverage ensures you not only meet legal requirements but are also providing additional protection against asbestos-related health claims.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Professional indemnity insurance is another key consideration for businesses offering professional advice or services. For asbestos contractors, this can cover claims of negligence, errors, or omissions in your professional services.

Including asbestos liability insurance in your professional indemnity policy ensures you are protected against claims specifically related to your asbestos removal work. This coverage is vital for maintaining your professional reputation and financial stability.

Tailored Asbestos Insurance with Higos

At Higos, we understand the unique needs of asbestos removal contractors better than most. As specialists in providing asbestos liability insurance solutions, our comprehensive cover can combine the different policies above in one neat, tidy package. Our experts will always take the time to identify your unique requirements, any additional coverage you require, and tailor a policy that’s suited to your needs. This gives you peace of mind that your contractor services are suitably protected, letting you get on with the task at hand.

Are you interested in learning more about our insurance for asbestos removal contractors? Get in touch today on 01458 675631. Our commercial insurance team are always on hand to help and answer any questions you might have. For asbestos insurance, it has to be Higos.

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