Landlord Maintenance: Checklist for Your Rental Property

Line of residential houses in the UK.

Managing a rental property can be a great source of income, but as anyone who’s tried their hand will agree, it does come with a sizeable list of responsibilities. From handling repairs to securing suitable landlord insurance, there are numerous challenges you need to remain ahead of. That being said, with proper planning and organisation, managing a rental property can become a great deal less stressful. So, here’s a checklist for essential maintenance checks that every landlord in the UK should perform, put together by our very own team of landlord insurance experts!

1. Testing Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are vital for the safety of your tenants. Test these devices regularly, at least every six months, to ensure they’re working properly. Replace batteries annually or as needed, and consider replacing the units every five to seven years or according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.

2. Maintaining Heating and Cooling Systems

Heating and cooling systems not only affect tenant comfort but can also prevent costly repairs down the line. Schedule annual servicing by a qualified technician to check your boilers, radiators, and air conditioning units. This will help keep them running efficiently and prevent breakdowns, which can be a major inconvenience and expense. Tailored landlord insurance can cover these systems against unforeseen breakdowns in certain situations if included in your policy, providing financial protection against large-scale repairs.

3. Checking for Leaks and Water Damage

Water leaks can lead to significant and costly damage, including structural issues and mould growth. With this in mind, it’s sensible to regularly inspect pipes, faucets, and the roofing of your property, addressing any signs of moisture or leaks that materialise. As above, landlord or rental property insurance can cover damages from these risks in some situations.

4. Keeping Doors and Windows Secure

Secured doors and windows not only protect against break-ins but also enhance the overall energy efficiency of your property. Check that all locks are functioning correctly and that frames are intact. Repair or replace any faulty mechanisms or weather-stripping to keep the property secure and insulated.

5. Cleaning the Gutters

Blocked gutters can cause water to back up and damage your property. Clean gutters at least twice a year to prevent blockages, especially during your autumn maintenance when leaves are likely to cause obstructions.

6. Maintaining Common Areas

If your rental property includes common areas such as hallways, gardens, or other shared spaces, regular maintenance is essential. Keep these areas clean and tidy, and ensure that all communal facilities are in good working order. Your let property insurance will generally cover liability for accidents in these areas, but only if they are kept maintained and safe.

7. Taking Out Suitable Landlord Insurance

Last but not least, securing robust landlord insurance is another essential step in maintaining your rental property. Depending on the level of cover you take out, landlord insurance can protect against a range of potential issues such as structural damage, loss of rent, and liability claims.

At Higos, we specialise in tailoring landlord and rental property insurance policies to meet the unique needs of each property owner. Our friendly team will take their time to identify the nature of your property as well as your tenants, ensuring comprehensive coverage that matches the specific risks your property faces.

To learn more about our bespoke landlord insurance, contact us at 01458 270324 or request a call back today. As a Chartered Insurance Broker, we work with a range of insurance providers around the UK. If you have any questions, check out our let property insurance FAQs for more information.