Higos Teammates Take On The Higos Hike Challenge

Higos Hike Challenge

At Higos, we understand having good mental health can play a significant part in our daily lives. That’s why, our goal this year was to get "moving more for our mental health" and we certainly have been moving more! 

We're delighted to announce on the 22nd of June, an impressive 56 teammates, along with their friends, families and insurer partners participated in our Higos Hike challenge, raising valuable funds for our charity partner, the Youth Adventure Trust. Teammates gathered to tackle either a 10k or half marathon hike through the stunning scenery of the Cheddar Gorge and raised an outstanding £4,291! When combined with the £6,000 Higos have paid to the Youth Adventure Trust for hosting and organising the routes, our total contribution exceeds £10,000!

This amount is sufficient to support two young people through YAT’s full three-year program of outdoor activities and adventure. During this time, they will learn invaluable life skills and build confidence, resilience, and positive aspirations for the future.

Besides our fundraising success, everyone who took part in the Higos Hike challenge enjoyed the benefits of improved physical and mental wellbeing, the joy of giving back and the opportunity for team bonding.

A special mention goes to our volunteers who generously gave up their Saturdays to support the event. They ensured our teammates stayed on course and kept them energised and refreshed throughout the challenge. Thank you to Sarah Neale, Pamela Garner, Emily Wright and her partner Paul, Matt Hartigan and his son Henry, and Dagmara Jeffery!

Our teammates efforts will directly support our charity partner the Youth Adventure Trust who work with vulnerable young people, empowering them to build confidence, resilience, and positive aspirations through the YAT program. A tremendous effort from our Higos teams on making the day a huge success and making a meaningful difference to the YAT and the lives of young children.

Due to the massive success of this challenge our CEO Higos & Retail Director, Brown & Brown Europe Matt Hartigan and Higos Managing Director Alan Clarke hope this is something we can build on next year, involving even more insurer partners and teammates. They have already asked “What are we doing next year?”

Here is a look at the day

Higos Mental Health & Wellbeing

We’re committed to understanding our staffs mental health and wellbeing and aim to understand more about the impact mental health has in our workplace. We know the mental health of our staff members has a significant impact on their wellbeing and is vital to their overall health and happiness. That’s why we’re committed to promoting improved wellbeing amongst our staff and raising awareness of our mental health support.

We encourage our staff to help us be aware and improve their mental health and wellbeing by participating in an anonymous mental health and wellbeing survey. We’re also promoting mental health and wellbeing challenges across our offices with the aim of staff to undertake some wellbeing time such as taking walks during lunchbreaks and creating a team gratitude initiative where team mates express gratitude of another teammate within their branch.

We’ve also appointed several Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA) across our branches and provided them with relevant resources to support the mental health and wellbeing of our staff.

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