Higos Gets Moving With Rounders Tournament Day

Higos Gets Moving With Bath Rounders Tournament Day

At Higos, we understand having good mental health can play a significant part in our daily lives. That’s why, our goal this year is to get "moving more for our mental health" and we certainly have been moving more!

We're delighted to announce on the 25th of July, 60 people from our various Higos branches along with a few of our insurer partners, gathered to participate in our Higos rounders tournament day in Bath.

The day was enjoyed by all despite the weather not being on their side right at the end. It was a tremendous effort from the Higos team mates on making the day a success. The winners of the rounders tournament were the Clevedon branch. A massive congratulations to them for their win, though it certainly helped having a semi-pro cricketeer with them!

Higos would like to thank everyone who came along and made the day a triumph and a special thanks to Daryl Bell for manning the BBQ so fantastically. Higos really appreciated Lonmar, CFC, Thames, HCC, Zurich, Hiscox for making it such a success and travelling over.  They’re looking forward to seeing everyone again next year!

Higos Mental Health & Wellbeing

We’re committed to understanding our staffs mental health and wellbeing and aim to understand more about the impact mental health has in our workplace. We know the mental health of our team mates has a significant impact on their wellbeing and is vital to their overall health and happiness. That’s why we’re committed to promoting improved wellbeing amongst our staff and raising awareness of our mental health support.

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